Sunday, June 3, 2012

Registered Teams..!!

The following are the teams that have registered for SIDEO thus far:

UTP - 4 teams
KL INFRA - 3 teams
UiTM Penang - 2 teams, 2 additional observers
UniKL - 4 teams, 4 additional observers
MMUM - 3 teams
NDUM - 2 teams
Guns n' Posers
IIU Kuantan - 2 teams
IIUM - 4 teams
Ipoh International - 2 teams
St. Michael's Institution - 2 teams
SMK Methodist (ACS) Ipoh - 1 team, 1 additional observer
UMK - 3 teams
UTHM - 2 teams
UNITEN - 3 teams
The Bawor Cup 2012 Novice Champion + 1 additional observer
Corazon Espinado

Teams that have registered will receive a notification regarding payment in the weeks to come. 

Thank you and chears.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Updated Invitation Letter

The updated SIDEO'12 invitataion letter can be viewed and uploaded here ---->>>

You can also click the link on the sidebar.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Proudly Sponsored By

A word from our sponsor, Bank Rakyat, 'Your Choice Bank'. :)

Kad Orchid. Your Choice Debit Card.

Welcome To The Campus 2

Take a tour.. :) Be inspired..!!

Welcome To The Campus 1

Take a tour.. :) Be inspired..!!

SIDEO '12 Invitation Letter

You Are Cordially Innvited... :)

The official SIDEO '12 invitation letter can be viewed/downloaded ... >>> here.

#The tentative link will be featured on the 'Links' section on the right-hand-side bar for convenience.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tournament Tentative

The SIDEO'12 Tournament Tentative can be viewed >>>  here.

The tentative can be downloaded by clicking the link and:
1. File -> Download
2. hit ctrl + S

#The tentative link will be featured on the 'Links' section on the right-hand-side bar for convenience.



Enter SIDEO.

Welcome to the Seri Iskandar Debate Open.. The inaugural 2012 Seri Iskandar Debate Open (SIDEO'12) will pave the way for an established and prominent debating platform to be organized in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.

The tournament objectives are clear:

1. Provide an Avenue for Intellectual Discourse
We want to see debaters of various levels ranging from students of secondary schools to tertiary institutions and even members of the general public, not only vie against each other competitively but also exchange thoughts and ideas primarily via the many comparative analyses that debates see.

2. Aid the Development of Articulate and Charismatic Speakers
Debating is often regarded the “Art of Convincing”. This intricate art is not only evaluated based on the depth of analysis of ideas but also on the manner in which the speaker puts forth his or her ideas to persuade the audience to “buy” the idea.

3. Promote Awareness of Social Norms and Government Policies
We want to encourage participants to question the feasibility of social norms and government policies in a controlled, academic environment. In doing so, we hope to inculcate awareness and a better understanding of such policies as well as the impact, the benefits and the tangible harms on the society at large.

4. Inculcate Tolerance and Open-Mindedness
Participants will have to think rationally and argue factually. They sometimes have to put aside their personal views and try to see things from the opposite side of the fence in order to win arguments. Ultimately, we hope participants would develop a tolerance towards alternate views and perspectives after each debate ends.

5. Allow the Expansion of Social Circles
Debate tournaments are also largely social events where people from all walks of life come together due to a shared passion. The elder generation of debaters make it a habit sharing their personal experiences & thoughts on current and long-standing issues with contemporaries as well as the younger generation.

Enter SIDEO.